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From time to time designers might want you to add images to your website. But they want to add them to the oddest places - at least you think so. There is nothing wrong with the place the pictures shall be added, but you know that with pure HTML/CSS the positioning might be very hard. This is why we created Picturetape.

With Picturetape you can tape your pictures to any DOM element in a very flexible way.

  1. reference the jQuery javascript
  2. reference jQuery Picturetape javascript
  3. initialize your first image
$(document).ready(function() {
		src: 'path/to/image.png'

Use this sandbox to play around. Just fill in some values.

x: %
y: %
offset_x: px
offset_y: px
anchor_x: %
anchor_y: %


Using Relative Positioning

Use the options x and y to position the image using relative/percent values.

This example tapes the top-left corner of the image to the center of #custom-element:

	src: 'path/to/image.png',
	x: 50,
	y: 50

Using Absolute Positioning

Use the options offset_x and offset_y to position the image using pixel values.

With the options of this example you can tape the image to the #custom-element with a x-offset of 10 pixel and a y-offset of 15 pixel:

	src: 'path/to/image.png',
	offset_x: 10,
	offset_y: 15

Using Both in Combination

Combine x, y, offset_x and offset_y to unleash the power of Picturetape.

This example will tape the image to the right middle of #custom-element and offset it by (10,15) pixels afterwards.

	src: 'path/to/image.png',
	x: 100,
	y: 50,
	offset_x: 10,
	offset_y: 15

Changing the Image Anchor

Usually images are positioned using the top-left corner as anchor. With Picturetape you can change this behaviour using the anchor_x and anchor_y values. Those are specified using percentual values.

Using the values of this example the center of the image will be taped to the #custom-element. As we did not specify anything else this will be the top-left corner:

	src: 'path/to/image.png',
	anchor_x: 50,
	anchor_y: 50

You can use all options in combination to position your pictures as you wish.

Specifying the HTML Id Attribute

Specify the id of the image using the id option.

	src: 'path/to/image.png',
	id: 'unique-id'

Specifying HTML Classes

To specify classes the image will receive add an array with class names via the classes option.

	src: 'path/to/image.png',
	classes: ['class-1', 'class-2']




The only required option is the src option. But without positioning information you would not need Picturetape. So consider using them.

A valid URL of the image that will be loaded and inserted into the DOM.
(0-100) x
A numeric value to specify the x position relative to the parents width.
0 would be left, 50 would be center, 100 would be right.
(0-100) y
A numeric value to specify the y position relative to the parents height.
0 would be left, 50 would be center, 100 would be right.
(-n..+n) offset_x
A numeric value to specify a absolute pixel offset on the x-axis. Negative values are possible.
(-n..+n) offset_y
A numeric value to specify a absolute pixel offset on the y-axis. Negative values are possible.
(0-100) anchor_x
A numeric value to specify the anchor of image relative to its width.
0 would be left, 50 would be center, 100 would be right.
(0-100) anchor_y
A numeric value to specify the anchor of image relative to its height.
0 would be top, 50 would be middle, 100 would be bottom.